Radio Silence
Alas, words elude me, and seem to have done so for a couple of months. In fact over this time words have been escaping from me but only as speech rather than as written or typed examples of the form. At one point during the recent festivities they started escaping from me in song form at the same time as a catchy tune, which I'd rather taken a fancy to, came on the pub jukebox. My pleasure in voicing the words was immediately arrested by my companions with their use of other words like 'off-key' or 'tone deaf' and even 'droning'. Harsh, cutting, not to say painful orismology , I was forced to shout 'Them's hurtin' words!' at the undeniable truth. Perhaps not floods of words, but certainly floods of water have been the order of many days, and nights though, with last year being the second wettest on record for the UK, though apparently not for Cornwall. Some of my photos got published when floods hit Newlyn recently. I did a lot o...