Mind the Poo
So here's the rub: Imagine it's the weekend and you go for a game of football at your local park with a few mates. Other people are spread around the park playing in similar games with varying skill and intensity. A usual Saturday or Sunday morning, the vibe is good whatever the weather. Now imagine that every time it rained, the whole park, including the football pitch you normally play on, got covered with a mix of rainwater and raw sewage. How long would the water company responsible be allowed to pollute a public space in this way? And how big the fines for allowing it to happen even once ? And yet every time it rains fairly heavily, this is what is happening at some surf breaks. After heavy or prolonged rain, raw sewage is discharged into the river at Gwithian, immediately finding its way into the sea and spreading along the near shore surf zone - the surfer's football pitch if you will - where hundreds of surfers, swimmers and other water users ar...