Long shot
Surfers in crystal clear water It was a bit of a long shot really, to get a photo of a meandering basking shark at sea level from an aircraft 500ft up, doing 100 miles an hour. So it needed a long lens, duly poked through the opened plane window, a steadying hand against the wind rush, and a firm grip on the camera body to make sure it didn't plummet onto one of the surfers below. Turns out it's actually quite difficult to shoot a slow moving object from a fast moving one, but with the aid of some very skillful manouevering from the pilot, there were a few shots in the bag at the end of the flight. I'll put the results up here, and on Ocean-Image.com after certain publications have publicated over the next couple of days. But in the meantime, I can share the one above, showing the clarity of the water down here, as some lucky longboarders share a crystal clean wave on a white sand beach. Return to Ocean-Image.com